Upper Body & Core Bench Workout
- 1 heavy dumbbell (I used 20 lbs)
- Set of medium dumbbells (I used 10 lbs)
- Exercise bench
- Interval timer (I use the Interval Timer app on my phone; Gymboss makes great ones if you want something separate)
This workout is broken up into two circuits. You do each exercise for 30 seconds, back to back, rest 30 seconds and then repeat a total of three times before moving onto the second circuit. The breakdown of each circuit looks like this:
Exercise 1 on the right
Exercise 2 on the right
Exercise 3
Exercise 1 on the left
Exercise 2 on the left
Workout Breakdown
See the above video to see these exercises in action.
Circuit 1
- Bench Rows (right) – Use the heavy weight.
- Bench Hop (to the right)
- Row to Fly Combo – Use the medium set of dumbbells for these. If the fly gets to be too heavy, just do the row.
- Bench Rows (left)
- Bench Hop (to the left)
Circuit 2
- Uneven Push Up to Kick-through (right)
- Russian Twist to Overhead Press (to the right) – Try to use the heavy weight; drop down to the medium if needed.
- Twisting Sit Ups – put the heavy weight on the floor between your feet to lock yourself into place.
- Uneven Push Up to Kick-through (left)
- Russian Twist to Overhead Press (to the left)
via Pumps & Iron ift.tt/2IIsb5C
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