Today on my Body Re-Engineering private forums I was asked the following natural bodybuilding question:

Natural bodybuilding question:

Dear Hugo:
Without compromising strength training, you would not be wrong to take a set of resistance bands and run through a series of exercises to say later in the day or night? I do my weight training workout in the morning with weights and cardio right after. My party: Day 1-Chest / Back Day 2-shoulders / arms, legs Day 3

I think this is a wonderful way to make a routine round body with aerobic resistance bands. I have a very light set I acquired some time ago … I found the other day and thought, “Hell, why not use”

Natural bodybuilding response:

As long as you have the time and inclination, you can actually do something with the bands of aerobic exercise help you burn some extra calories and cause further muscle stimulation (so help you in your bodybuilding efforts).

My advice would be to restrict the cardio in the morning and 15-20 minutes in the evening, just create a circuit of exercises that target the muscles trained in the morning. It will be a good way to shock the muscle without overtraining it. In addition, you get a good cardio workout there.

This is what I propose to do:

Day 1 chest and back Day:

Giant Set 1:

Perform 3 sets to failure of this giant set non-stop
– Squats on raised platform (such as a chair or sofa)- Two arm rows with strips- Regular Push-Ups- Lines with arm bands

After game giant more than 3 times without stopping, rest a minute and go to Giant-Set No. 2

Giant Set 2:
Perform 3 sets to failure of this giant set non-stop
– Lying leg lifts- Bicycle Crunches- Mid-Ins- Abs

As you go more advanced, try not to rest at all between the Giants-Sets

Day 2 – Arms and Shoulders Day

Giant Set 1:
Perform 3 sets to failure of this giant set non-stop
– Press the shoulder with tapes- Lateral Raises with bands- Rear Delt lines with bands- Vertical lines with strips
After game giant more than 3 times without stopping, rest a minute and go to Giant-Set No. 2

Giant Set 2:

Perform 3 sets to failure of this giant set non-stop
– Curls with band- General triceps- Close Grip Pushups- Reverse curls with bands

Day 3 – Legs days

Giant Set 1:

Perform 3 sets to failure of this giant set non-stop

– Lunges (press with the toes)- He squats with bands- It Sissy bodyweight squats- A calf raises legs using body weight

After game giant more than 3 times without stopping, rest a minute and go to Giant-Set No. 2

Giant Set 2:

Perform 3 sets to failure of this giant set non-stop

– Lunges (press with heels)- Squats wide stance with bands (press with heels)- Stiff Legged Deadlift with belts- A calf raises legs using body weight

This afternoon additional routine is best used during a charging phase. After three weeks of this, once you give a growth phase, you may want to either stop and start the next phase load or reduce by 50%, just do sessions afternoon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the corresponding days.

I hope this helps.

Take care and train hard.


Hugo Rivera, CFT, SPN, BSCE, is a lifetime natural bodybuilder, multi-certified personal trainer, industry consultant and fitness expert who not only knows training and nutrition theory, but also applies it on a daily basis as evidenced by the fact that he’s always in shape and by his awards and high placings at numerous national level bodybuilding competitions.

He is also an internationally known best selling fitness author with a very successful franchise of books called “The Body Sculpting Bibles” which collectively have sold hundreds of thousands of copies.
