I’ve been a huge fan of kettlebells ever since I first worked out with them. They bring strength, cardio, and flexibility training together into one efficient workout. Working out with kettlebells is a crazy tough workout, but that’s why it’s so effective. Even the most well trained athletes have trouble lasting through a workout when they switch to kettlebells. They are more challenging to your body than dumbbells because the super thick handle challenges your grip strength and the asymmetrical weight in relation to the handle challenges your core to the maximum. The extra work to your muscles means more calories burned, which equals greater fat loss.

Check this fun fact out: When studying various forms of exercise and calories burned during exercise, the American Council on Exercise said that using kettlebells burns twice the amount of calories of regular weight lifting. They also said, “The only other thing…that burns that many calories is cross country skiing uphill at a fast pace.” Now if that doesn’t speak volumes about the toughness and effectiveness of kettlebell workouts, I don’t know what does!

The beauty of kettlebells is that you don’t need a ton of different exercises to get an amazing workout. Every exercise I’ve posted here engages multiple muscles and will really challenge your core. When you do this routine you are not only getting a super fast and super awesome workout, but you will also increase your cardio fitness, your strength, and your flexibility.

Not sure which size kettlebell you should use? Here’s a good guideline if you are new to kettlebells: Women should start around 18-25 pounds and Men should start around 35-45 pounds. But remember: the perfect weight for you is when you start to struggle on the last few reps – You may need to go a lot lighter or a lot heavier, depending on your fitness level.

Try this super fast, but extremely effective kettlebell routine and see what you think!

*I highly recommend kettlebells for a greater workout and challenge during this routine, but you may sub out dumbbells, if necessary. If you have any questions on how to sub out dumbbells or how to position the dumbbells for the exercises below, just drop me a comment and I’ll help you.

Super Fast, Super Amazing Kettlebell Routine
Do this routine in a circuit which means you do the first exercise and then keep moving on to the next until you’ve reached the end. Then it’s time to repeat!

10 snatch, pull, and presses

20 kettlebell swings

10 figure 8’s

10 halos (5 each direction)

Rest for one minute

Repeat 2X

Grab a kettlebell and stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart and toes turned out slightly (picture 1). Place the kettlebell on the floor between your feet. In a powerful movement, stand up and lift the weight to your chest (picture 2). Grab the sides of the handle and explosively, push the kettlebell overhead (picture 3). Lower it to your chest and then to the floor.

Hold a kettlebell with both hands and stand wider than shoulder width apart. Squat down and immediately stand and swing the kettlebell about to shoulder height. As the kettlebell starts to swing back down, bend your knees, push your hips back, and squat down, swinging the kettlebell in between your legs. Then swing it back up to shoulder height as you stand.

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart and squat into a quarter squat. Hold the kettlebell behind your left leg with both hands, one arm on each side of your leg. Grab the bell with your left hand and swing it in front of your right leg, between your legs, and behind your right leg in a figure 8 pattern. Grab it with your right hand and swing it in front of your right leg, between your legs, then behind your left leg. That’s one rep.

Hold a kettlebell upside down by the horns with both hands. Extend your arms overhead. Keeping your shoulders down and abs tight, rotate your torso from the waist in a circle to the left. The kettlebell should make small halos overhead. Do the prescribed amount and then swith direction.

Kettlebell workouts kick my booty! Here is an after pic of me lying on the floor with a sad face because I just got owned by my very own kettlebell.
Kelly – 0 Kettlebell – 1

Check out the whole article with images from the source link below.

Source: www.primallyinspired.com/tuesday-training-the-skinny-on-kettlebells-and-a-super-fast-super-amazing-kettlebell-routine/#
Image: maxpixel.com