Gear or no gear?
Building massive muscle is no simple task. It takes a lot of dedication to continuously make gains over an extended period of time. While many individuals may look at bodybuilding as an endeavor as a bunch of musclebound meatheads picking up heavy weight, the truth of the matter is that it takes a tremendous amount of knowledge to build muscle and maintain lower body fat percentages. But genetics are a major part of the endeavor whether anyone likes to admit or not. There are some individuals who don’t have the natural ability to build mountains of muscle which leads to many of these individuals looking into taking anabolic substances to see some results. But there are also those who don’t need much added help in transforming their bodies naturally. One of those athletes is Donte Franklin.
Claiming to be all natural, Donte Franklin is a diligent bodybuilder with a tremendous physique. If we’re to believe Franklin’s claims then we’d have to adhere to the idea that his genetics are so superior that he’s been able to cultivate a physical form that could rival some professional bodybuilders. Natural bodybuilding can certainly yield some impressive results, but just looking at Donte Franklin it’s not unreasonable for someone to believe that he’s all geared up.
We’ve mentioned Donte Franklin on the website before, stating that he looks like the clone of Phil Heath. The funny thing is when we did a little more research we found that the man was closer to being a clone of both Phil Heath and the legendary champion Ronnie Coleman. With that kind of claim you’d expect us to back it up. Well look at the Instagram posting below and see for yourself.
Image: i.ytimg.
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