Sport Specific Training – Do You Need It?
“Sports specific training” is all the rage on social media. It is hard to see a day go by where I don’t see something gimmicky or flashy being done by [...]
“Sports specific training” is all the rage on social media. It is hard to see a day go by where I don’t see something gimmicky or flashy being done by [...]
The kettlebell is a very powerful tool for building strength and developing conditioning. The principles and techniques taught by Pavel and StrongFirst are the gold standard when it comes to [...] This exercise requires extreme athletic strength through cross-body linkages and demonstrates total control and stability. It can even be used as a challenging bench press alternative. Can you do [...]
Not every great exercise is designed with your individual body type in mind. Whether you're too big, too small, too tall, or too busted up for a certain exercise, it [...]
4 Exercises to Strengthen Your Core and How to Program Them For Back Pain When it comes to core training and sensitive lower backs I have been through the gauntlet. I [...]
The single-arm kettlebell press is one of the best ways to get more weight on your shoulders and into your presses. Take your max barbell strict press and half it. [...]
Most men want athletic looking legs and the best way to accomplish this is to perform the proper leg workouts. When you perform the proper leg workouts they will not [...] This front squat variation works well for getting comfortable with bar placement. The key here is getting the bar in the right groove in your deltoids so your [...]
When you think of a muscle group, certain exercises quickly come to mind. For chest, it's the barbell bench press. For legs, it's the squat. And you can bet your [...]
The hips are the drivers of all powerful movement, and they should be able to move in three dimensions. But modern living makes your hips immobile and your favorite gym [...]