Effective Reps that Cause Growth
Here's what you need to know... Most people don't go close to failure on any of their sets. They may do a ton of volume, but if they don't [...]
Here's what you need to know... Most people don't go close to failure on any of their sets. They may do a ton of volume, but if they don't [...]
Outside of hitting up the gym to meet people (you know, the ones that just kind of linger around the drinking fountain or the elliptical machines), you probably make [...]
Everyone wants to bench press more weight. What's holding many of them back may surprise you: lack of shoulder and back stability. Boring, eh? (I'm Canadian, sorry.) Focus on [...]
The Smith machine and the BOSU ball are horrible. One's a squat rack with training wheels. The other is a useless, pneumatic pimple on the face of the gym [...]
Should athletes in sports learn how to catch if they want to learn how to move faster? Strength is important, definitely. For that they have weighted pulls and more [...]
Seriously, you’re killing me. It’s like death by exposure to stupid. Some days I feel like I should put on a hazmat suit before going on YouTube. Since I don’t [...]
Find Out How To Get Your Abs Visible In Just 4 Weeks ! For many of us the summer is just around the corner, which means we’ll obviously want to [...]
From Relatively Lean to Exceptionally Lean Chances are, if you're at the "I just need to lose 10 pounds" point, then you already do the basic, common-sense stuff: You likely [...]
There are few things as satisfying as a killer arm pump and knowing you've achieved the best biceps-and-triceps workout possible. The only thing that could possibly make your arm workout [...]
To bench a lot of weight, you need full-body tension. This exercise helps you build it. Work toward getting 5 reps with 100 pounds. When I first started coaching, I [...]