The Proper Hand Position When You Perform Push-ups
Is your hand position correct when you perform the push-up? Are you aware that improper hand position will bleed you of power? Do you know that proper hand position [...]
Is your hand position correct when you perform the push-up? Are you aware that improper hand position will bleed you of power? Do you know that proper hand position [...]
The "Right" Neck Position? This is a hotly debated topic and I can appreciate both sides of the argument. Here's my take and what has worked well for [...]
If you’ve gained a certain level of experience with weight training so far, you’re most likely aware of the vulnerability of your back, or more particularly the spine. This [...]
Have you been watching every calorie, denying yourself all the things you love to eat the most—and are still not seeing any results? If you've been dieting and following [...] Our apologies (well, not really) if you're one of the nearly seven million people who have already watched Meg Squats star in the video "Meet the Powerlifting Grandma" [...]
If you have any weightlifting/bodybuilding experience, you’re most likely familiar with deadlifts! A deadlift is a highly effective weight training exercise where the bar is lifted to your hips [...]
When it comes to weight gain, what you eat clearly matters.But a small, preliminary study now suggests that when you eat also matters, with people burning off more [...]
The misconception: People often think that low-intensity exercise, in which your body taps into fat metabolism, is the most efficient way to lose body fat. Some cardio machine displays even claim that [...]
Sleep plays an important role in your physical health and is essential for building muscle and/or loosing weight. The best diet and workout routine won’t do anything to your [...]
If you're not challenging yourself regularly, you could be leaving some extra gains on the table, especially when it comes to structural integrity. Challenges expose weaknesses, build mettle, and [...]