How to Balance Fitness & Friends
Odds are at least some of your friends don’t track their food and train consistently like you do. As a result, how they approach social events and time management [...]
Odds are at least some of your friends don’t track their food and train consistently like you do. As a result, how they approach social events and time management [...]
Many aspects of life can create and cause back pain, but finding a solution to help ease it has always been a struggle. Yes there are many workouts or [...]
If you’re tired of being told that maintaining a lean physique is just an exercise in vanity, you might be pleased with this news. A new study by researchers at [...]
If you're trying to lose fat, high quality sleep is essential. Regular sleep loss depresses the immune system. Even as little as one week of inadequate sleep disrupts blood sugar [...]
The push press is an often-overlooked exercise that, if done correctly, can help build a ridiculously strong and balanced upper body. Compared with a standard military press, the leg drive [...]
Plantar fasciitis, which can feel like a scorpion is digging into the bottom of your feet, can turn your daily gym session or even a simple stroll to the supermarket [...]
We are all well aware of physical benefits of exercising regularly and doing sports on a regular basis. It helps us lose weight, develop our muscles, release anxiety and simply [...]
Obesity is no picnic for those who struggle with it, but new research sheds some light on why so few ever find their way to a healthy weight. It turns out [...]
The gym is currently among the top reasons why people are getting into shape. It’s the new home for anyone who is likely to be obese, anyone who doesn’t appreciate [...]
Getting fit and keeping fit is more a lifestyle than a program — it’s a life-long dedication that you have to commit to. And that means a lot of hard [...]