Fitness Insights

The Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

Have you heard of the ketogenic diet? The keto diet was originally developed by Dr. Russell Wilder in 1924 as a way to combat epilepsy. As a ketogenic diet coach, [...]

Strength Training During Pregnancy

My wife gave birth to our son, Julian, seven months ago. She continued to strength train during her pregnancy and has continued to do so since. During that time she, [...]

3 Important Tips To Improve Your Health

As you grow older, you become more prone to different types of illnesses. The sad reality is that being healthy has become a drag and tough challenge to many of [...]

Stay Fit for a Much Longer Life

Habits like eating right and hitting the gym on the regular are crucial aspects of building an impressive physique and living a healthy lifestyle. But both your healthy and unhealthy [...]

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