Sled Pull Exercises and Its Benefits

Few exercises are as simple and effective as the sled pull. Nearly everyone can them, regardless of ability level, background, and/or goal. They work to increase power, strength, muscle mass, [...]

3 Ways to Deepen Your Squat

If you’re reading this, I don’t need to tell you the benefits of squatting deeper.  But just in case you forgot, they include stimulating more muscle, developing and retaining greater [...]

5 Quick Points To Have Shredded Abs

Do you doubt your ability to get shredded abs? Don’t. I promise you can do this. I used to be the typically skinny-fat guy. No muscle and a fat gut [...]

Sit-Ups In 4 New Ways

Hit your abs in a new way by doing these upper body movements at the halfway point of a sit-up. Maintaining this position while performing any movement with the arms [...]

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