The Arm Workout That’s Perfect For You

There are few things as satisfying as a killer arm pump and knowing you've achieved the best biceps-and-triceps workout possible. The only thing that could possibly make your arm workout [...]

The Single-Arm Bench Press (Video)

To bench a lot of weight, you need full-body tension. This exercise helps you build it. Work toward getting 5 reps with 100 pounds. When I first started coaching, I [...]

Top 10 Nutrition Myths Revealed

This article idea has been on my brain for a bit. There are just some nutrition methodologies and practices that have an infinite lifespan, regardless of how lacking in science [...]

Ultimate Arm Training Videos

I’ve always been a big believer in using bodybuilding movements as accessory lifts when training for strongman and powerlifting. In both these sports, arms tend to be put on the [...]

A Must Try Mechanical Drop Set

Increase time under tension to increase the gains. Try this mechanical drop set on for size. Mechanical drop sets – unlike regular ones where you just reduce the weight as [...]

4 Ways to Exercise Using Stability Ball

We all have our favorite exercises and areas of the body we like to train, and for me that is my core. I just love doing “abs”—it’s by far the [...]

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