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The Smith machine and the BOSU ball are horrible. One's a squat rack with training wheels. The other is a useless, pneumatic pimple on the face of the gym [...]
Should athletes in sports learn how to catch if they want to learn how to move faster? Strength is important, definitely. For that they have weighted pulls and more [...]
Seriously, you’re killing me. It’s like death by exposure to stupid. Some days I feel like I should put on a hazmat suit before going on YouTube. Since I don’t [...]
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Get ready. We are about to feel the full force of International Dieting Month. Otherwise known as January to most people! Those of us in the non-diet space prefer to [...]
Find Out How To Get Your Abs Visible In Just 4 Weeks ! For many of us the summer is just around the corner, which means we’ll obviously want to [...]
It definitely feels good to get private messages in mid December asking, “Have you done your Top 40 lessons yet? Did I miss it?” You see, this past year, like [...]
The keys to a trim waistline and good health aren’t big secrets: Eat your vegetables, get some whole fruit, stick with lean protein, and go for whole grains. Fiber, though, [...]